A Place Where Time Stopped
When you walk into this village and its surroundings apart from the casual street lights which hint there is electricity, you can experience a true journey back in time. The few people live their lives just as they did hundreds of years ago, in complete resilience, there is no tarmac, or pavements, the silence is only broken by the stream which sleepily serpents by the side of the road, or the sound of horse pulled cart wheels, cattle bells or bird songs.
Moments like this are made to last! So wonderful and so modest people that carry on with their lives and seasonal work just like their ancestors did hundreds and more years ago!
A pine forest that makes you dream of staying here forever, in perfect and pure unspoilt natural surroundings!
A typical picture for millennia can still be seen now - sheep being moved from one pasture to another, a custom as old as time!
Three generations- my mum and my daughter, and myself taking he photograph! What a wonderful feeling to see my Mum walking her granddaughter on the paths of her very own childhood!
Water wells are a sacred symbol in Romanian traditional life. The well captures and brings to the surface an element essential to life. The water sprung straight from the ground has the purest form and it's called 'living water' (apa vie). It has beneficial energies, regenerating and purifying powers.
My grandparents used to drink and cook with the water from this well. Also villagers still use this water for drinking and everyday needs as it's currently the main source of water supply.
The house is in the process of having its own water supply installed, however this village spring is where we drink water from because it comes straight from the mountain and it tastes absolutely incredible. Pure living water that doesn't get any purer!
Back in 2012, our daughter Enya born and bread in England and half Romanian was happily toddling on the village street looking like she's always been there. She has strong memories from here and feels so at home, even if it's so contrasting from the way she lives usually.
Animals are so free here, so happy even if they can easily be attacked by wild animals. This is a land where wild boars and bears are still at home but don' be put off, they don't come in the village as they have so much space and freedom in the forests around! All animals live in perfect harmony with nature. We have to relearn that. For more info on wild animal safety please check the 'Before you travel' page.
A woman I love with all my heart! I met her when she was waiting for us at the gates with an armful of hot cheese pies, made in compassion for the next door strangers who found their legacy house in ruin, back in 2012. Tanti Lenuta is a beautiful Romanian peasant in the most authentic sense of the word 'peasant'! Romania is one of the few countries in Europe where you will still ind peasants.